my name is Emmanuel but that's okay,
I used to have my own Visual Novel wiki and I also made some visual novels of my own, some of which I have also uploaded here (most are in English and one is in German). People liked them, however, I originally created most of them more than 10 years ago, so don't expect something mind blowing...
I am also working on a new visual novel called "A Legend of an Ancient Evil". It's not entirely finished yet, but you can already play it. If you liked my old Visual Novels, you gonna love this!
I also made an Interactive Fiction game simply called "Darkness".
I also have an unfinished one that I uploaded onto here as well... I conceived it 10 years ago and was gonna call it Yandere Simulator (this was years before the other game with the same name). The idea was to eventually make it into a Facebook app and have the Yandere stalk you on Facebook - in the end this wasn't possible anymore as Facebook restricted developers too much to still pull that off.
I have also written some books, though some are unfinished. Most notably my German parody of "Der Struwwelpeter" - "Der Struwwelhipster".
I also have two Youtube Channels, one in English: Youtube.com/user/Supenmanu
And one in German: Youtube.com/c/simplepediade
Dark and atmospheric Visual Novels (as opposed to the more common lighthearted, cutesy, romantic Anime style type)